Reference Mesh Orientation and Alignment

Mesh Orientation and Alignment Tools Often an imported mesh needs to be moved and oriented prior to being cleaned up and retopologized.  The mesh orientation tools provided  in the Tools / Power Surfacing / Reference Mesh Tools menu will enable you to do this.  All of the orientation tools require you to select one or more faces.  For orientation it will use the average normal of the selected faces as the reference.  For movements it will use the  center of the selection which is at the average of all of the vertices of the selected faces.  

Orient to X/Y/Z-Axis  

These tools will allow you to orient the entire mesh.  The average normal of the selected faces on the mesh will be oriented to the Y, Y or Z axis.  For example you may select a face on the top and orient it with the Z axis. Orient to Negative X/Y/Z-Axis  

These tools will allow you to orient the entire mesh.  The average normal of the selected faces on the mesh will be oriented with the negative X, Y or Z axis.  For example, you might select a face that should be on the bottom and orient it with the negative Z axis.  Move to Origin

This command moves the entire mesh by moving the center of the given selection to the origin of the world coordinate system. Orient To Plane

This command orients the entire mesh to the the normal of the selected faces to the normal of a selected construction plane. Snap To Plane

This command moves the entire mesh to by moving the center of the given selection to the origin of the world coordinate system.

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